There is a thirst that exists in our souls, but often our lives are too full of other things to be able to recognize it. We keep ourselves busy and distracted with technology and entertainment so that we rarely have those moments of solitude in which our thirst becomes apparent. We move from one thing to the next with the hopes that we will finally be satisfied, but the many wells from which we drink simply leave us thirsting for more. The Psalmist likens our thirst to that of a deer panting for water – it’s a thirst for the very thing that brings sustenance to life. And yet our hunt for the source of life is often cut short because of the many other things that provide temporary satisfaction. But don’t be deceived: the other sources do not substance, they only numb. And once the thirst returns, we realize that the satisfaction was only temporary. It is only in the Lord that we will find lasting satisfaction for the thirst that is deep within our souls. Put away the distractions for a period of time each day – turn off the cell phone and find a place of solitude. There you will find that you the deep thirst of your soul will be satisfied in the Lord.
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