When David wrote Psalm 3, his life was in complete upheaval. His son, Absalom, was trying to take the kingdom from him, and he was fleeing for his life. Absalom had turned many of the hearts of the Israelites against his father, and it probably seemed to David as if the whole world was against him. However, David clung to something that he clung to a long time ago: God is the One who places people in authority, and He is the One who removes them. When David’s men wanted him to kill King Saul, David’s response was that he would not do anything to God’s anointed. The battle he was facing was intensely painful because it involved his flesh and blood, but it was also spiritual because it involved his heavenly Father’s anointing of his kingship. He held fast because His trust was in the Lord. Trust is always the source of perseverance. Regardless of the situation you’re in, remember that God allowed you to be there, and He can and will bring you out of it when He’s ready. In the meantime, strive to learn the lessons He has for you. Don’t waste your storm, but allow God to grow you into the person He wants you to be as a result of it.
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